At the Procession with Palms
Luke 19:28-40
Today Jesus rides on a donkey and the crowds know what to do. They run and get palm branches and they put their branches on the path. Jesus will ride over their branches. They see a king. But he is a humble King. He rides a donkey in the procession to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. He is not like the great power of the Roman army. The people cry “Hosanna!” They know the divine when they see it. Even the donkey knows. The Pharisees are threatened by Jesus’ power. They want the people to be silent. Jesus says, “Even if they be silent, the very stones would cry out.” People know the divine. Even the stones know. The people know this is the power of God — not military power but the power of God. Hosanna to the Son of David! Hosanna to the Son of David!