Ex 34: 4-6; 8-9. 2 Cor 13: 11-13. John 3: 16-18 The readings today speak about Hospitality. It is a perfect theme for this occasion in my final Sunday homily as your pastor. It is a perfect theme because you received me, five years ago on August 8, 2015 with hospitality and most warmly. That […]
Ex 34: 4-6; 8-9. 2 Cor 13: 11-13. John 3: 16-18 Las tres personas de la Trinidad intercambian amor entre ellas y luego se van al mundo, a nosotros, creando y renovando personas y situaciones que lo necesitan, como nuestro día actual de virus, protestas y disturbios. En los Ejercicios Espirituales, San Ignacio de Loyola […]
Ex 34: 4-6; 8-9. 2 Cor 13: 11-13. John 3: 16-18 The image above us is the famous icon of the Trinity by the Russian artist, Andrei Rublev. It shows action. The three persons of the Trinity are dining. They are active. They are relating to each other and then, to the world. The three […]
Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23; Mt 28:16-20 El Papa Francisco dice: “la ascensión nos dice que Cristo está vivo en medio de nosotros de una manera nueva. Ya no está en un lugar específico del mundo como estaba antes de la ascensión. Ahora está presente en cada espacio y tiempo, cerca de cada uno de nosotros. […]
Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23; Mt 28:16-20 We have been living in Eastertide, yes, in the midst of Covid-19. The forty days between Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, he walked the earth, accompanying and teaching, confirming, strengthening his followers by his glorified presence. Hence the question: “Why are you standing there looking at the sky?” Think of […]
Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor.12: 3-7,12-13; John 20:19-23 Pentecostés. El Espíritu Santo desciende como fuego sobre los discípulos, reunidos en el aposento alto con Nuestra Señora. El Espíritu Santo trae muchos dones como comprensión, armonía y paz. En el evangelio de Jesús dice que la paz sea contigo. Cuando mostramos estos dones, somos presencia de Cristo […]
Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor.12: 3-7,12-13; John 20:19-23 Today God takes this fearful group of disciples by strong winds and fiery acts and brings them peace and comfort. The Holy Spirit descends as fire on the disciples, gathered in the upper room with Our Lady. The fire ignites the public life of the Church. In the […]
Acts 2:14, 36-41; 1 Peter 2:20-25; John 10:1-10 Enduring the moment. The second reading from 1 Peter 2 speaks of endurance, patient endurance. Earlier in that letter (1 Peter 1: 6-9) the Apostle Peter says: “You may, for a time, have to suffer the distress of many trials.” Well, this is it. And let’s face […]
Announcement. Fr. Albert J. DeGiacomo, Fifth Sunday of Lent. 3.29.20 Re: New Pastor. Saint Andrew Catholic Church, Harrodsburg I received a phone call from Bishop John on Wednesday morning. He told me the news of our new pastor and he told me to announce this news to you today. I am happy to announce to […]
Sam 16: 1, 6-7,10-13; Eph 5:8-14; John 9:1-41 Today at the pool of Siloam Jesus says “I am the light of the world.” The man born blind is in the dark. Jesus opens his eyes – and ours, to the Light. But the Pharisees stay in the dark. The question: are we in the light […]