Lucas 18: 9 – 14 Tengo una amiga que se llama Dorothy. Ella es viuda, una mujer santa y piadosa. Ella formaba parte de un grupo parroquial que participaba en la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento. Una tarde yo estaba en la capilla con ella cuando un joven estaba presente. Esa noche, ella se quejó de […]
Luke 18:9-14 I have a friend named Dorothy. She is a widow in a suburb north of Boston. She is a holy, pious, widow woman. She was part of a parish group involved in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Like the widow in the first reading form Sirach today, Dorothy had a complaint. She befriended […]
EX 32:7-11, 13-14; 1 TM 1:12-17; LK 15:1-10 That poor woman with her lost coin! A biblical commentator has said that people today don’t identify with the woman who swept her floor to recover her lost coin. Oh, no? That’s what he thinks! Once at the Newman Center, I lost the flash drive to my […]
Sir 3:17-18; Heb 12:18-19, 22-24; Luke 14:1,7-14 Highs and lows in the readings today. Humility (Sirach) and Mount Zion (Hebrews) and both in the Gospel of Luke. Whether we are in the lowest place or the highest place, we are the Lord’s. Being #1 is engrained in American life. Being #1 is to feel powerful, […]
Sabiduría 18: 6-9; Hebreos 11: 1-2, 8-19; Lucas 12: 32-48 Es agosto. El verano se acerca a su fin. Incluso el Evangelio apunta a los “últimos tiempos”. La semana pasada escuchamos, “¡Insensato!Esta misma noche vas a morir!” Sin embargo, hay esperanza. Tenemos que ser fieles a la obra que Cristo nos ha encomendado. Para todos […]
Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Luke 12:32-48 It’s August. Summer nears its end. Even the church in the gospel is pointing to the “end times.” Last week we heard, “you fool, tonight your life will be demanded of you.” We hear similar today. But we live in hope. We remain faithful to the particular work […]
ECC 1:2; 2:21-23; COL 3:1-5, 9-11; LK 12:13-21 It was one o’clock in the afternoon on a mid-summer’s day. I was passing through the living room of my home in Berea. I was a professor then. I had recently turned fifty. I stopped dead in my tracks. The thought hit me: You will die one […]
¿Sus niños imitan las cosas que ven que ustedes hacen? Los discípulos ven a Jesús mientras está rezando, y quieren hacer lo que él hace. Jesús es un modelo a seguir. El eje del Evangelio de hoy es – orar como Jesús: pedir lo que necesitan, todos los días. Por lo tanto: ¿de que consistían […]
Do your children imitate the things they see you do? The disciples see Jesus at prayer, and they want to do what he does. Jesus is a role model. The heart of today’s gospel is — pray like Jesus: ask for what you need, every day. So: what did Jesus pray about? We can probably […]
Deut 30:10-14; Col 1:15-20; Luke 10:25-37 For the Slain and Wounded Police Officers of Dallas “Moved with compassion,” the Samaritan approached the man. He did not cross to the other side like the Levite, but he approached the man, beaten up and left by the roadside by robbers. The Samaritan cared for the man, presumably […]