Luke 24: 1-12 The resurrection: Notice the reactions of the women, the Apostles and “the others” in this Gospel passage: “Puzzling.” “Nonsense.” “Amazed.” In tomorrow’s gospel from John we will hear “They did not yet understand” (20: 1-9). They are like us. None of us has yet experienced the resurrection. We have not yet died […]
Is 52:13-53: 12; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; John 13:1-19: 42 Today we faithful are confronted with the death of the Lord, and we try to identify with his very scared disciples who abandoned him and scattered in fear. To them, all was lost. To them, death had conquered. They could not see beyond this. What about […]
John 13: 1-15 Cycle A Tonight is our Passover Feast. Christ is the new Passover. He is the new Moses, the new covenant. He is the Messiah, long expected, who gives us new manna. He is the lamb who sacrifices himself. In Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, Bryant Pitre stresses that the […]
En la procesión de los Ramos (español) Lucas 19: 28-40 Hoy Jesús cabalga sobre un burro, y la gente sabe qué hacer. Todos corren y obtienen ramas de palma y las ponen en el camino. Jesús va a pasar por encima de sus ramas. Ven a un rey. Pero él es un Rey humilde. Viene […]
At the Procession with Palms Luke 19:28-40 Today Jesus rides on a donkey and the crowds know what to do. They run and get palm branches and they put their branches on the path. Jesus will ride over their branches. They see a king. But he is a humble King. He rides a donkey in […]
Parish Council and the Finance Council Members, please come forward. Stand with me. First of all, thank you for listening. We are greatly encouraged by the sense of support we have received for our efforts to bring financial stability to Saint Andrew Parish. You have heard the testimonies of fellow parishioners Joe Bill Fister and […]
Sam 16: 1, 6-7,10-13; Eph 5:8-14; John 9:1-41 Last week Jesus was at the well at high Noon. This week he sends the blind man to the pool of Siloam. So again we have images of water and light, both themes of baptism. John’s is the gospel of the great I AM statements by Jesus. […]
Homily for Third Sunday of Lent Gen 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Rom 5: 12-19; Mt 4:1-11 We see them every year on the Third Sunday of Lent (Cycle A). Here is Jesus again, sitting on the well, tired and thirsty from walking. Here comes the Samaritan Woman again. We know these two. What more can we notice […]
Gen 2: 7-9; 3: 1-7; Romanos 5: 12-19; Mt 4: 1-11 Los vemos todos los años el tercer domingo de Cuaresma (Ciclo A). Volvemos a ver a Jesús, sentado en el pozo, cansado y sediento de caminar. Otra vez se acerca la mujer samaritana . Conocemos a estos dos. ¿Qué más podemos aprender de ellos […]
Gen 15:5-12,17-18; Phil 3:17-4:1; Luke9:28-36 The Collect prayer at the opening of today’s Mass speaks of “spiritual eyes made pure.” What’s that? I’ll tell you! Who of us has not had the experience of standing in awe under a night sky? By the way, I noticed when I moved to Harrodsburg last August that there […]