Is 2: 1-5; Rom 13 1-14; Mt 23: 37-44 On Black Friday I was reading the Weekender section of the Herald Leader. It details all the entertainment one can take in during the holiday season. Many offerings are repeats: Messiah, Nutcracker, A Christmas Carol. Why is that? For one thing, they make us feel good. […]
Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke 20: 27-38 The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection. We however know and believe that we are all heading toward the resurrection of the body. It really won’t matter who was married to whom. We belong to God. Human needs and longings will no longer apply. The brothers […]
We are all heading toward the resurrection. We will belong to God completely. Human need and longings will no longer apply. There are no needs in heaven. God fills all the needs. We will not be alone. We will be part of that great communion, the Communion of Saints. That’s why in this month of […]
Fun and festivity. This could be the theme of today’s holy day. We are ALL called to be saints! That’s what we celebrate today. We the Church celebrate all who have died who are now with God and “see him as he is” (St. John). Last year, when I was on sabbatical, I arrived in […]
Ex 32:7-11, 13-14; 1 Tm 1:12-17; LK 15:1-10 Every parable teaches us something about the nature of God. Here we have the lost drachma. That poor woman with her lost coin! A biblical commentator has said that people today don’t identify with the woman who swept her floor to recover her lost coin. Oh, no? […]
Sir 3:17-18; Heb 12:18-19, 22-24; Luke 14:1,7-14 Highs and lows in the readings today. Humility (Sirach) and the heights of Mount Zion (Hebrews) and both in the Gospel of Luke. Whether we are in the lowest place or the highest place, we are the Lord’s. Be # 1. This is an expression for our desire […]
SPN Sir 3:17-18; Heb 12:18-19, 22-24; Luke 14:1,7-14 Altas y bajas en las lecturas de hoy. Humildad (Sirach) y las alturas del Monte Sión (Hebreos) y ambos en el Evangelio de Lucas. Ya sea que estemos en el lugar más bajo o en el más alto, somos del Señor. Sé el número uno. Esta es […]
Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Luke 12:32-48 Es agosto La escuela ha vuelto a la sesión. El final del verano. El invierno se acerca. La iglesia en el evangelio señala el “fin de los tiempos”. Pero hay una gran esperanza. La hermosa línea de apertura proclama: Cristo quiere darnos el Reino. Pero debemos ser fieles […]
Wis 18:6-9; Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Luke 12:32-48 It’s August. School’s back in session. Summer’s ending. Winter’s coming. The church in the gospel is pointing to the “end times.” But there is great hope. The lovely opening line proclaims: Christ wants to give us the Kingdom. But we need to be faithful to the particular work […]
Homily for Betty Jane Coleman Christmas In July. No doubt you noticed the Christmas tree in our narthex either yesterday at the visitation or this morning when you arrived. “What!” you may ask? Has Father Al lost his marbles preaching about Christmas at Betty Jane’s funeral? What’s the connection? I’ll tell you! At the heart […]