Gen 18: 1-10; Col 1: 24-28; Luke 10:38-42 Today’s first reading Genesis presents the scene we see depicted, the famous icon by Andre Rublev. It depicts in three visitors dining on the meal Abraham has prepared for them. It is an image of the Trinity. It is an image of the Eucharistic banquet. It is […]
Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor.12: 3-7,12-13; John 20:19-23 Strong winds and mighty acts. Our God is full of surprises and special effects, today, the birthday of the Church. God takes this fearful group of disciples by storm, by strong winds and fiery acts. The Holy Spirit descends as fire on the disciples, gathered in the upper […]
Vientos fuertes y actos poderosos. El Espíritu Santo desciende sobre los discípulos, reunidos en el aposento alto con Nuestra Señora. Pentecostés es el comienzo de la vida pública de la Iglesia. Vemos y escuchamos a los discípulos alabar a Dios públicamente a todos los que escuchen, en todos los idiomas. En el Evangelio, Jesús viene […]
Luke 24: 1-12 Tonight our Passover Lamb is Risen! Sacrificed in his own blood, He is risen. Notice the reactions of the characters in this passage from Luke. We hear the words: “Puzzling,” “Nonsense,” “Amazed.” In John’s account we hear “They did not yet understand” (20:1-9). They are like us. None of us has yet […]
Is 52:13-53: 12; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; John 13:1-19: 42 Today comes down to two words: Pascal Mystery. The Pascal Mystery is the dying and rising of Jesus Christ. Tonight we are confronted with the death of the Lord. We identify with his disciples, scattered in fear. To them, all was lost. To them, death had […]
La noche es una noche de sangre. Se trata de sangre, derramada y borracha. En nuestra fiesta de Pascua, Cristo es el cordero que sacrifica su propia sangre por nuestros pecados. En esta noche, Jesús, un judío observador, sabe que la Pascua no está completa hasta que sus discípulos comen la carne del cordero, pero […]
John 13: 1-15 Cycle C Tonight is a night of blood. It is about blood, shed and drunk. In our Passover Feast, Christ is the the lamb who sacrifices his own blood for our sins. On this night Jesus, an observant Jew, knows that the Passover is not complete until his disciples eat the flesh […]
Josué 5: 9, 10-12; Cor 5: 17-21; Lucas 15: 1-3, 11-31 En esta parábola el hijo menor lo desperdicia todo. Oímos: “Se encontró en una necesidad extrema” una vez que gasta su herencia. Sentir una necesidad extrema lo lleva a sus sentidos. Había disfrutado las cosas del mundo, y ahora está vacío. Recuerda quién es, […]
Josh 5: 9, 10-12; Cor 5: 17-21; Luke 15: 1-3, 11-31 In this parable the younger son squanders everything. We hear: “He found himself in dire need” once he spends his inheritance. Feeling dire need brings him to his senses. He had enjoyed the things of the world, and now he is empty. He remembers […]
Third Sunday of Lent: Luke 13:1-9 Are you prepared to meet the living God? On Monday of this week I was walking in downtown Nashville where I went to bury the ashes of a priest friend. As I was preparing to cross the street to the Cathedral, I came upon a large building under construction. […]