Luke 6: 27-38 “Now is the winter of our discontent.” That’s Shakespeare. It really is. It’s from Richard the Third. And it applies to us today in the Church. It really is the winter of our discontent, a long cold winter. We are dealing yet again with the continuing clergy sexual abuse scandal, now focusing […]
Luke 6: 27-38 Nos enfrentamos una vez más con el continuo escándalo de abuso sexual del clero, ahora centrado en la responsabilidad del obispo. El Papa Francisco y los obispos de todo el mundo acaban de concluir el sínodo especial en Roma esta mañana. Ha recibido una tremenda cobertura de prensa. Las noticias del ex […]
Indeed, his “reward will be great in heaven” (Gospel). His “hope is full of immortality” (first reading) and he is to be “united with him [Christ] in the resurrection” (second reading). Indeed, happy will he be –Blessed”. He was “a staunch Catholic.” This theme emerges repeatedly when people tell me Bob Schuster. From these comments […]
Wis 3:1-6, 9; Cor 5:1,6-10; Matt 25:31-46 In a moment such as this we stand helpless. In Holy Week, we hear in the book of the prophet Zechariah: “They shall look on him who they have thrust through, and they shall mourn for him as one mourns for an only son, and they shall […]
Is 6:1-2, 3-8; 1 Cor: 15:1-11; Luke 5: 1-11 In this gospel account, Jesus is present in the lives of these people who are needy. Luke says the people are straining to listen to Jesus. They are pressing in on Jesus. They sense Jesus has something they need. The fishermen sense this, too. Peter especially […]
En este relato del evangelio, Jesús está presente en las vidas de estas personas necesitadas. Los pescadores necesitan pescado. Pedro dice: “No hemos atrapado nada”, y descubre que Jesús no es nada, sino algo extraordinario. Jesús era un carpintero, no un pescador. Se suponía que no sabía dónde estaban los peces. Su poder es más […]
Neh 8:2-4, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Cor 12:12-30; Luke 1:1-4;4:14-21 So what is your mission? In all things our model is Jesus. Let’s have a refresher course in the life of Jesus since Christmas. In this passage from Luke, Jesus is at the beginning of his mission. He is filled with the Spirit. It is the […]
Entonces, ¿cuál es tu misión? En todas las cosas nuestro modelo es Jesús. En este pasaje de Lucas, Jesús está al principio de su misión. Él está lleno del Espíritu. Aquí, ahora, comienza su vida pública en Nazaret en la sinagoga de su ciudad natal donde oró cuando era niño. Aquí, él proclama su misión. […]
Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22 SPN Recibimos el Espíritu Santo en el bautismo. Esto es lo que celebramos hoy, el bautismo de Jesús y el nuestro. Siente el amor abrumador de su Padre. Él oye: “Tú eres mi Hijo amado; contigo estoy muy complacido “. ¿Puedes recordar un momento en que sentiste el placer de Dios? […]
Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22 Jesus gets baptized. He foreshadows his crucifixion, dying for our sins. As we bring Christmas to a close today, the wood of the manger foreshadows the wood of the cross. In getting baptized, the one without sin makes the waters holy. The God who hovered over the waters at creation and […]