The Trinity. The famous image? The shamrock! The shamrock is the image we associate with the Trinity, the three persons in one God. But there is one limitation to this image. It is flat and static. It doesn’t move. It is not dynamic. Even the image above us, the famous icon of the Trinity by […]
Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23; Mt 28:16-20 “Why are you standing there looking at the sky?” Think of Boeing 747, for example or the current Dreamliner. Countless people have flown on them. The dream of flight began with Susan Wright. Her death was a great blow to them, the Wright brothers. Susan Wright, their mother, had […]
So, what’s new? I’ll tell you: Plenty! Today is the Fifth Sunday of Easter. It is also First Communion Sunday. It is also Mother’s Day. Yesterday, two new saints! And next week, graduation. All in May, Mary’s month. What do these have in common? Well, they all deal with new things. The prophet Isaiah says: […]
Gen 2:7-9; 3:1-7; Rom 5: 12-19; Mt 4:1-11 Jesus is led out into the desert. He is in the wilderness. No company. No distractions. He is alone with: with the competing voices of God and Satan. What’s fascinating in these temptations is that Jesus was, in fact, tempted. There was a part of Jesus that […]
Carolina Kostner ganó la medalla de bronce en patinaje artístico femenino en Sochi para Italia en 2014. Fue un triunfo personal. Cuatro años antes en los Juegos Olímpicos de Vancouver, se cayó tres veces durante su actuación. Un comentarista, hablando de su actuación, la calificó un desastre. El video la mostró avergonzada, cubriéndose la cara […]
Carolina Kostner won the bronze medal in women’s figure skating at Sochi for Italy in 2014. It was a personal triumph. Four years prior at the Vancouver Olympics, she fell three times during her performance. One commentator called it disastrous. The video showed her covering her face with her hands in shame. She almost gave […]
Matt 6:24-34 “No servant can serve two masters.” Recognizing that led me to leave Berea College. I saw that I would be split between two competing institutions. I could not serve both. I even remembered this scripture passage we hear in today’s gospel. “No servant can serve two masters.” I had to make an ultimate […]
Little ways 2 Rightness Sir 15:15-20; Cor 2:6-10; Mt 5: 17-37 From the Beatitudes two weeks ago, to salt and light last week, to the commandments and the law this week. Ultimatley, I will t’s about the heart. Scripture scholar Alice Camille says we don’t like the law. Let’s face it: we all know that […]
Is 8:23-9:3; Cor 1; 10-13, 17: Matt 4: 12-17 Two words could sum up today’s gospel passage: prayer and action. Jesus is the model of that in today’s gospel. Let’s look at what he is doing and ask yourself: “What are the places of renewal and rest and healing for you? In these places we […]
Isaías 8: 23-9: 3; Corintios 1; 10-13, 17: Mateo 4: 12-17 ¿Cuáles son tus lugares de descanso? En estos lugares podemos encontrar a Dios. Veamos lo que está haciendo en el evangelio de hoy. Jesús es el modelo. Hoy Jesús está junto al mar. Es el momento justo antes de comenzar su ministerio público y […]